This guide will show you, the Listing Agent, how to respond to offers in Glide: specifically, how to Accept, Reject, and Counter offers.
Note that clicking on the Accept, Reject, or Counter buttons does not automatically send or reject the offer. You still have additional steps before submission.
Click here to skip to the instructions for how to Reject an offer.
Click here to skip to the instructions for how to Counter an offer.
Accept Offer
From the home page, select the transaction and then click “Offers” on the left.
As a listing agent, you can mark an offer as a “Favorite” to help organize and track it before you accept, counter, or reject.
Click the offer you want to accept.
Click the “Accept “button on the Offer Profile page.
Note, clicking “Accept” does not bind the seller to an agreement.
You can “Get Signatures,” “Add Documents,” or click on the document(s) to review.
When you’re ready to proceed, click “Next: Prepare Accept Email.”
Glide will ask if all your documents are signed. If yes, click “Continue.”
On the contact information page, confirm the buyer agent’s email and phone number. You can add another email.
Check the box to confirm you have reviewed the contact information and click “Continue.”
By default, Glide sends the Accepted offer and attached documents from a no-reply email address. You can change the “Send From” email address to your own Gmail or Outlook account.
Add an optional message for the buyer agent or edit the prefilled information, such as the contact info at the bottom of the message.
The “[[OFFER_LINK]]” text contains your offer package and MUST remain in the email.
Document Delivery Options:
- By Email Link: This is the preferred option. An email link is the most secure message, and enables Glide tracking, which will notify you when the offer is opened and viewed.
- By Email Attachment: If the offer package file size exceeds 15 MB, it is too large for email, and this option will not be available. This option does not include Glide notifications.
Confidence Boosters:
- Check the box to receive SMS updates about your offer. By making this selection, you authorize Glide to send notifications when the other side takes key actions, including viewing, rejecting, accepting, or countering the offer.
- You may opt out of receiving SMS notifications at any time by replying “STOP.”
This is your final opportunity to review the information. After you click the Continue button, Glide sends the Accept document to the buyer agent.
Click “Continue” to send.
Tracking Status
Listing side
After you click “Continue”, Glide will return you to the Offers Management page. The offer status changes to Accepted.
The “Undo” link gives you the option to un-accept this offer package.
Buyer side
On the buyer side, the status of the offer package changes to Accepted.
Reject offer
From the home page, select the transaction and then click “Offers” on the left.
As a listing agent, you can mark an offer as a “Favorite” to help organize and track it before you accept, counter, or reject.
Click on the offer you want to reject.
On the Offer Profile page, click the “Reject” button.
If you have already accepted an offer, the Reject button will be the only option.
On the Reject Offer page, verify the contact information.
Add an optional message for the buyer agent or edit the prefilled information, such as the contact info at the bottom of the message.
After you click “Send,” you cannot undo the Reject notification.
Click the “Send” button to formally reject the offer.
Listing-side status changes
After Glide sends the email, the offer status on the listing side’s page will change to Rejected.
This action also appears on the Activity log.
Buyer side status
The offer status also changes on the buyer side.
This action also appears on the buyer side’s Activity log.
Click here for how to Accept an offer.
Counter Offer
From the home page, select the transaction and then click “Offers” on the left.
As a listing agent, you can mark an offer as a “Favorite” to help organize and track it before you accept, counter, or reject.
Click on the offer you want to counter.
On the Offer Profile page, click the “Counter” button.
After you and your seller agree on the terms to propose in the counteroffer, select the offer package which has not been signed by the seller and then click “Continue.”
Select your method for creating a counteroffer.
- In this example, we select “I need to create a Counter with Glide” to go through the form-filling workflow (recommended)
- If you have already prepared a counteroffer outside of Glide, choose the other option
Select the type of counter. For this example, we will select Seller Counter Offer (SCO).
On the Seller Counter Offer page, add terms to the appropriate fillable fields, then click the “Save and Close” button.
Check the box next to the file name you want to send for e-signature, then click “Get Signatures.”
- If you leave all boxes unchecked, Glide automatically sends all files for e-signature.
Complete the e-sign workflow by selecting either the free Glide Signatures tool or your DocuSign account (if applicable). Click “Continue.”
Review the signer and recipient information for accuracy. Add additional recipients if needed.
Click “Continue.”
Place tabs on the document(s) to indicate where signatures or initials are necessary or to point out pertinent information.
You can add a message to the email. When you are finished, click “Continue.”
If any documents require your signature as the Listing Agent, you can click “Sign Now” to sign the document(s). Otherwise, use the “Back to Transaction” link to return to the transaction.
Glide sends every signing party an email that contains a link to the document(s) that needs signatures.
To check the signature status of the counteroffer, click “Signatures” on the left menu.
If all parties have signed, the signature status will say Complete. If the document(s) still need signatures, you will see a number in the navigation panel.
When the status changes to Complete, open the counteroffer page and finish sending your counter to the other parties.
Click “Offers” and then click on the offer marked “Countering.”
Click the “Continue Preparing Counter” button.
Click the “Next: Prepare Counter Email” button
Review and confirm the terms presented to the buyer’s agent. These terms are the same as the terms presented in the counteroffer form.
Select the “Click to edit summary” options to update the text box. When you are finished, click “Done.”
Important: You can edit the terms at this step, but these changes will not save to the previously signed counteroffer form. If you need to make changes to the counteroffer form, you can start again with the instructions at the beginning of this section.
On the contact information page, confirm the buyer agent’s email and phone number. You have the option to add another email.
Check the box to confirm you have reviewed the contact information and click “Continue.”
By default, Glide sends the counteroffer and all documents from a no-reply notification email address. You can change the “Send From” email address to your own Gmail or Outlook account.
You can add a message for the buyer agent in the email body or edit the prefilled information (such as the contact info at the bottom of the message).
The “[[OFFER_LINK]]” text contains your offer package and MUST remain in the email.
Document Delivery Options
- By Email Link: This is the preferred option. An email link is the most secure message, and enables Glide tracking, which will notify you when the offer is opened and viewed.
- By Email Attachment: If the offer package file size exceeds 15 MB, it is too large for email, and this option will not be available. This option does not include Glide notifications.
Confidence Boosters
- Check the box to receive SMS updates about your offer. When you make this selection, you authorize Glide to send notifications for key actions taken by the other side, including viewing, rejecting, accepting, or countering the offer.
- You may opt out of receiving SMS notifications at any time by replying “STOP.”
This is your final opportunity to review the information. After you click the “Continue” button, Glide sends the Counter Offer document to the buyer agent.
Click “Continue” to send.
Tracking Status
Listing side
Glide sends the counteroffer to the buyer agent and returns you to the Offers page. The status of the offer changes to Countered.
Buyer side
The buyer side will see the status of the offer package change to Received Counter..
The status will continue to change based on the actions of both the listing and buying sides. For example, the status will change to Accepted if the listing side accepts a counteroffer.
Updated April 2021