The latest Paragon update brings new improvements and enhancements to Paragon Connect, the Client Collaboration Center photo galleries, and the EasyCMA tool.
Photo Count
The photo gallery now displays the total number of listing photos in the top left. Additionally, when looking at photos in the expanded gallery view, the number of the currently viewed listing photo also appears.
Easy CMA
Using an Existing Listing ID
Instead of creating an EasyCMA with a property address, it’s now possible to use an existing listing ID to populate listing information directly into subject property fields.
Enhanced Address Search
The address search option now opens in a new window.
Pinpoint Accuracy
Use your current location by clicking on the map pin icon to create an EasyCMA on the go.
The Verify Map Location screen has also been upgraded. The map has expanded to a full-screen view for more accuracy and the confirmation button has moved to the top app bar. To pinpoint and verify a location, simply drag the pin to the exact location and confirm.
Address Not Found
If a listing does not appear in the Google address search bar, click Can’t Find Address to enter either an existing listing ID or select the new “Manually Enter Address” option.
Subject Property Detail
To reduce scrolling, the subject property detail page has been updated with a new two-column layout so more fields are visible onscreen.
If necessary, manually make any edits to the address field to adjust how the address will be displayed on the report. For example, instead of “123 N Galaxy Rd”, you can manually modify it to read “123 North Galaxy Road” instead.
Manually Add Subject Property
Google Maps has a growing list that covers the majority of properties, but if a property is unavailable, use the following process to enter subject properties manually.
- Enter the address by inputting the property details
- Place a map pin exactly where the property is located
- Fill in the required property fields to finish.
Create a CMA from Various Locations
Paragon Connect: Listing Cart
Pull the listings in listing carts to either add listings to a brand-new or existing CMA.
Paragon Pro: Listings
Create an EasyCMA from within Paragon Pro by running a search, selecting listings, and choosing EasyCMA.
Near Me Default Zoom
The “Near Me” or “Current Location” search has been enhanced with a closer zoom for a clearer, more accurate view of listing pings around your location.
Corrections and Improvements
- Correction for the optional Down Payment Resource TPI not displaying properly in CollabLink
- Corrections for using the wildcard (*) symbol in text search fields
- Correction for the Android version of the mobile app when external SSO is enabled where the top app bar is not dismissing and mistakenly covering the action buttons