Cloud CMA – Creating a CMA

Cloud CMA is an online comparative market analysis report generator. Generate comprehensive, informative, personalized, and eye-catching reports for your buyers and sellers. Cloud CMA includes four re

Cloud CMA – Creating a Buyer Tour

Cloud CMA includes four report sets, including a CMA, a buyer tour, a single property report, and a property flyer. A real estate professional compiles a buyer tour when a buyer is ready to tour pr

Cloud CMA – Creating a Property Report

Cloud CMA includes four report sets, including a CMA, a buyer tour, a single property report, and a property flyer. A property report is a great way to give a potential buyer an in-depth look at a

Cloud CMA – Creating a Flyer

Cloud CMA includes four report sets, including a CMA, a buyer tour, a single property report, and a property flyer. Creating flyers is important to help promote a property on the market.  

Cloud CMA Live

Cloud CMA Live In this quick reference guide, you will learn how to use Cloud CMA Live. Cloud CMA Live is a new interactive digital CMA experience. You can present this live on a laptop, tablet, or T

Cloud CMA: Live Buyer Tours 03/27/2023

CRMLS is pleased to announce the newest Cloud CMA feature coming to its users: Live Buyer Tours, going into effect on Monday, March 27th. With Live Buyer Tours, you can create modern and mobile Buyer

Paragon Connect: Update 09/12/2023

The latest CRMLS Paragon Connect update allows you to Assume Identity like you can on your desktop version of Paragon, share your experience with the application through Product Feedback, and includes