For Photographers Only: How to Input Photos Onto CRMLS Matrix Listings
Congratulations. You are being added to the CRMLS Photographer List! We appreciate your efforts and the services you will be providing to our membership. Please follow these steps to ensure you can input photographs on the listings of your clients who are CRMLS users.
Once you have received your photographer credentials to access our system, you will need to provide your Photographer MLS ID to your clients. They will need to add your Photographer MLS ID to each listing on which you upload photos. (Click here for a guide to this process that you may share with your clients)
Once your client has added your MLS ID to a listing, that specific listing will become available to you within our system. To access a specific listing, click the Add/Edit tab at the top of your home screen and in the Quick Modify field enter the MLS# for that listing and click Edit.
Select Manage Photos on the “Modify Listing” screen.
From the “Add/Edit Photos” screen, select the Browse button to add photographs to the listing from your computer. Our system allows for a maximum of 75 images to be uploaded to each listing.
Photos that are not an accurate depiction of the property, such as staging, or any HOA amenities must be captioned as such.
Once the photographs have been uploaded and organized correctly, select the Certify and Save button to save the photographs to the listing.