Use the ShowingTime Mobile App to confirm showings, manage showing feedback and share listing activity reports with sellers!
The ShowingTime Mobile App is free, just visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to download it today! You can even enable your sellers to use the app so they can confirm showings and view feedback.
What You Can Do From The Mobile App:
♦ Schedule or confirm showings
♦ See upcoming showing appointments
♦ View showing instructions
♦ Request feedback from showing agents
♦ Respond to showing feedback requests
♦ Share listing activity reports with sellers
♦ Get push notifications of showing requests
♦ Search listings in your MLS
♦ Send price adjustment emails
♦ Add activities (open houses, etc.) to listing reports
How To Set Up Your Sellers To Use The App:
Follow the steps below to authorize your seller to use the app:
1. Add the seller as a listing contact on the Listing Worksheet page; be sure to include their email. You can access the Listing Worksheet when you log into your account.
2. Click Save; and email is automatically sent to them.